Other Want Lists

Monday, January 2, 2023

Angels We Lost In 2022

Annual tribute from my collection, to those former Angels that passed away in 2022.

Tommy Davis
Angels 1976

Denny Doyle
Angels 1974-1975

Fred Lasher
Angels 1971

Costen Shockley
Angels 1965

Curt Simmons
Angels 1967

Dwight Smith
Angels 1994

Lee Thomas
Angels 1961-1964

Gordy Windhorn
Angels 1962


  1. Call me crazy but I look forward to this post from you. Unless the player or coach had been also apart of the Indians organization, I probably had not heard of the deaths of these gentlemen. Thanks for this yearly post.

    1. If it wasn't for Baseball Almanac I wouldn't have heard about most of them either. They keep a running list.

  2. It seems like there are always a few people on these lists that completely catch me by surprise. On this one... it's Dwight Smith. I actually don't remember him playing for the Angels, but I remember hoarding his Score rookie cards, since I couldn't afford his Upper Deck card.

  3. I guess if there's one consolation, it's that it doesn't appear that too many were lost this year.

  4. Did not know Dwight Smith died, and I don't remember Cubs broadcasts mentioning his passing either. He and Jermoe Walton had a lot of us excited when they came up.
