Monday, January 2, 2023

Angels We Lost In 2022

Annual tribute from my collection, to those former Angels that passed away in 2022.

Tommy Davis
Angels 1976

Denny Doyle
Angels 1974-1975

Fred Lasher
Angels 1971

Costen Shockley
Angels 1965

Curt Simmons
Angels 1967

Dwight Smith
Angels 1994

Lee Thomas
Angels 1961-1964

Gordy Windhorn
Angels 1962


  1. Call me crazy but I look forward to this post from you. Unless the player or coach had been also apart of the Indians organization, I probably had not heard of the deaths of these gentlemen. Thanks for this yearly post.

    1. If it wasn't for Baseball Almanac I wouldn't have heard about most of them either. They keep a running list.

  2. It seems like there are always a few people on these lists that completely catch me by surprise. On this one... it's Dwight Smith. I actually don't remember him playing for the Angels, but I remember hoarding his Score rookie cards, since I couldn't afford his Upper Deck card.

  3. I guess if there's one consolation, it's that it doesn't appear that too many were lost this year.

  4. Did not know Dwight Smith died, and I don't remember Cubs broadcasts mentioning his passing either. He and Jermoe Walton had a lot of us excited when they came up.
