Friday, May 8, 2015

This Has Now Gone To A Whole New Level

A skedder on skednet posted he had several different years of Kernels schedules to trade.
Not only years but many different sponsors as well.
I was lacking on Kernels schedules so I inquired about a trade.
I didn't have an equal amount of skeds to send his way, but he wanted to send what I needed anyhow.
That's generosity.
And much appreciated.

I had 1 schedule each from 2008, 2009, 2011, and 2012.
But I decided I didn't want just one representative for those years, that I needed the other sponsors as well.  I believe in completeness.
And this is where collecting Angels pocket schedules has just gone to new level for me.

Here are the different sponsors I received:

9 different, and I'm not sure that's even all the sponsors available.


11 sponsors, this is crazy.


9 different, plus the one I already had, for Mike Trouts first appearance on a pocket schedule.
Does anyone have a master list?


Another one with at least 11 different sponsor backs.

I already knew that schedules get made with different sponsor backs.
But before this trade, the most sponsors I had for one schedule was 4.
I honestly did not know that there would be a dozen different each year.

See how crazy this can get if I try to accumulate every different sponsor for every Angels related pocket schedule ever issued?


  1. I collect pocket schedules too... but wow... not to this level. Very cool. Gotta wonder if any of the different sponsors from various years were super short printed and rare. And just how many sponsors/variations did they print? Maybe someone from the Kernels has info.

  2. I love the variety of sponsors here. I used to grab schedules all over town when I was a kid in Milwaukee. Now, I keep them if they have a player on it.
