Saturday, June 22, 2024

Always Check The Price

I had to run into the local Five Below to grab a couple cheap headphones for my daughter. In a situation like that, I tend ask as an afterthought if they have any baseball cards, and when they show me they do I just grab a pack without asking the price. When I got out to the car and checked the receipt, I was surprised to find out that this 14-card retail pack was $4.00. So I have to ask, since I don't pay attention to prices ;-) is that the going rate? Four bucks for a pack of cards? When did that happen?

Okay, so I pulled a nice Trout insert. Does that mean I'll go back to get more $4 packs?
Um, No.


  1. It's gotta be us grown folk buying these packs cuz what kid is gonna drop $4 on a pack of anything.

  2. That sounds about right to me, my Five Below doesn't have baseball but they had NBA Hoops packs for $4. My corner store has packs of 2024 Topps on the counter for $6.99. On one hand, it's nice that convenience stores are selling cards again. On the other hand... that's 2x what I'd pay for a pack, and there's an LCS down the street charging (slightly) less.

  3. That's about what I have on the packs. No wonder kids today aren't as into it.

  4. Yup that's what packs cost now. Is nuts. Definitely quit while you're ahead.

  5. You got a couple of nice Twins cards. I agree, the Trout insert is nice as well. I've never been into a Five Below. Enjoy everything as it helps keep things positive. Even the rain when you want to be outside.

  6. I'm very glad that I'm not tempted by this sort of thing anymore, as that price just seems outrageous to me.

  7. 2023 Update packs were $3.50 a pack so it's possible. Thanks for sharing the pack!
