Thursday, January 16, 2025

Completed Redemption Card Set

 1995 Collectors Choice Update Trade Card Redemptions

Series of five cards numbered TC1-TC5 inserted about 1:11 packs of 1995 Collectors Choice. Cards were redeemable (with $2) for an 11-card pack of specified Update cards. There were 55 cards in the Update set which was only available through these redemption cards.

TC1 Larry Walker for Update Cards 531-541

The backs are all the same except for the card number.

TC2 David Cone for Update Cards 542-552

TC3 Marquis Grissom for Update Cards 553-563

TC4 Terry Pendleton for Update Cards 564-574

TC5 Fernando Valenzuela for Update Cards 575-585

I'm glad that UDCC didn't pick the normal superstars for these inserts: Griffey Jr, Frank Thomas, Ripken, Jeter, Bonds, instead going with some different guys, still stars though, but refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. Remember these from your other post. Very cool to see them all together in one spot.
