Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Junk Mall Junk Wax Wednesday


1991 Topps - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Pack of 8 cards and 1 sticker.

One of Morgan Freeman's gazillion movies.

Like most Topps releases in the 90's there are single * and double ** variations for each card.
This pack contained a mix of both single and double.

There are 55 cards in the set, unless you collect both variations.

Card #1, the title card, is a pretty cool design.

My sticker is Christian Slater as Will Scarlett.

The nine sticker-backs form a puzzle of the title card.
That might be a cool little subset to collect, or not.


  1. So cool. I've never seen Prince of the Thieves before. I should go check that out.

  2. "Unlike other actors, I can speak with a British accent!" - Robin Hood, "Robin Hood: Men In Tights"
