I wanted to be able to hit a card shop sometime on the trip, so ahead of time I contacted Matt of Heartbreaking Cards knowing he was from the area. Matt told me about the Baseball Card Store a place he adequately described as "what they lack in organizational skills they make up for in quantity"...or something to that affect.
I found this to be true. The place was a shambles but the guy knew right where to go to pull the box of the cards I wanted to go through. Super nice too. I highly recommend a visit if you're ever in the area.
I didn't have a whole lot of time as I was on my way to the airport to fly back to Texas, but I had time enough to go through a couple boxes of vintage Topps towards my Angels team sets.

With the cards shown above I was able to get within 1 card of the 1977 team set (Bob Grich All-Star anyone?); within 2 cards of the 1980 set (Chris Knapp and Joe Rudi); and I was able to complete the 1976 set. SWEET!
Also picked up these game inserts from the 1980 Topps box I went through. I love these old Topps inserts. I have a bunch from 1983 and 1984 and some other randoms, but if anyone has others I'd be willing to trade for them.

Picked up a nice little 2001 Topps team sticker as well. I love team logo cards. I can see that he used the little sticker in the corner for the redemption card. If anyone has the AL West redemption card, I'd trade for that too.

Snagged a couple random cards. I see Tom Grieve often at Rangers events, and occasionally Mike Bacsik. Mickey Hatcher is always a good signer when the Angels come to town.

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