Friday, August 9, 2024

More Incoming

 More incoming PWEs from TCDB and ebay.


The Tigers, like several other teams, put out some pretty cool team sets in the 80's.

ebay purchase

After Fuji posted recently about Squirt cards, I took a look at my collection. Even though I have all the Angels, I saw that I didn't have these two header cards, so I picked them up cheap on ebay.


I finished the 1983 Topps base set a long time ago, but it's taking me a while to get the Traded set. I'm down to needing 13 cards, which includes the Strawberry RC.

More set needs.


The Nen and Saunders are #444 cards.



Saw something today that said the Nationals have used 19 different third basemen since Rendon left, but the Angels have used 28 since they signed him. UGH!

Every time I see him he just makes me mad.



  1. I get mad every time I see Rendon, too - and I'm not even an Angels fan.

    Nice cards here, I especially like the Abbott Brewers card and the Betts.

  2. You should be close to having every #444 baseball card. It would be great to hear about that in a post.

  3. I sent you one of the 1981 Squirt tabs for your collection. Gotta say it's not nearly as cool as those 1982 tabs.

    1. Yes! I got my envelopes out of order. Yours is coming up. And thanks again!

  4. Crikey that Rendon stat is infuriating.

  5. Ooh... Desert Shield! I'm surprised that anyone on that site has any of those for trade.
