Thursday, December 26, 2024

TCDB Secret Santa Part I

Dan (vrooomed) organizes a Secret Santa on TCDB, this is my second year doing it and it's been fun. My Secret Santa gift this year comes from Spacy32 and boy was it a cool one.

The last base card I needed to complete the 1992 Impel DC Cosmic set!
I bought a handful of packs in the 90's when my son was little that we had fun ripping, not really intending to finish the set. Since I still had his cards, about a year or so ago, I thought I would go ahead and try to collect the rest of the cards as a tribute. I'm so happy to finish the base set.

Since I'm a completist, now there's the 4-card promo sheet I'll try to get.

This is especially awesome to receive...six of the ten hologram inserts that were in the set. At first, I wasn't going to chase the holograms as I thought they'd be too hard to get. Not anymore! This insert set is well within reach now.

SO glad to get my hands on this, I've never opened a pack of these so this will be fun.

Vision...pretty cool. Right up there with Silver Surfer just below him.

Stay tuned for Part II of the Secret Santa gift.


  1. I saw the Secret Santa on TCDB -- a fun idea.

    For some reason a friend used to call me was kinda weird.

  2. Hope you had a merry Christmas! I opened DC Cosmic packs back in the day... trying to hunt for those holograms. They were more affordable than Marvel Universe (at least at the card shop I worked at). That Series 2 pack is really cool. Don't remember opening any of that stuff... but a few years ago I set out to build the base set and hologram set.
