Friday, July 14, 2023

A Just Because Care Package

I've made a couple great trades with FiresNBeers on TCDB and then out of the blue another envelope came. I had to go back to my Transactions log to see if I had missed something. When I reached out to Brian he said he just wanted to share from his inventory, no return required. Wow!

1996 Sportflix #106
What a cool card.

Pretty nice to send all these my way Brian, thanks.

Now can someone please explain why these backs are orientated differently?

They are all Update cards and all are vertical photos.


  1. I don't have an explanation for the orientation thing... but I feel like Topps was all turned around for a couple of years.

  2. Yes I can. Topps was (and has since including last year) being idiots.

  3. Nice of this fellow to send these. Tim kind of looks like he's at a skating rink.
