Thursday, March 6, 2025

Knocking Down The Stack, Again

 Still scanning and posting the numerous trades and incoming mail from recent weeks.

Return fire from S.R.'75

I sent Stuart one or two Tim Salmon cards he needed to complete a set and he sent me some stuff as a thank-you.

Stuart sent me two of these promo sheets which is awesome because it was the last piece I needed for the complete 1983 Fleer set binder, and I also needed one for the Angels team set.

He also included a bunch of other Angels and Patriots.

TCDB trade with ravenfaith77

Jason posted in the forum that he was looking for trades to clean out his Overpower stock, so I took a bunch of his Silver Surfer off him.

TCDB trade with jdrew

I wanted the 1973 Mike Epstein because it also shows the Angels Ken Berry. It will go with the Angels team set.

Josh threw in these extra Joyner's, super cool.

TCDB trade with PaulGebauer

TCDB trade with BDillman

I really hate Topps Micro, but I have a Fregosi PC, so....

And why did I want that Red Sox card? Mike Napoli of course.

TCDB trade with Sportzcommish

Including 28-more "why-did-I-decide-to-do-this?" 1989 Pro Set.

Time Travel Trading with Diamond Jesters (Kep75)

Picked these three out during the last round.
I wanted the '72s for this reason:

Ads on the back!
I need to find a card with the Series 1&2 ad.
There are several cards with the Series 1&2 ad, most of which are of star players, or for some other reason have more of a premium on them, so they aren't cheap, but there is one with Leo Cardinas that might be more available without a bunch of cash. I'll have to keep an eye out.

Blog trade with Sportscards From The Dollar Store

Doug was posting about some packs he ripped, and I noticed a couple Trout wrappers I needed. I asked if the wrappers were still available, they were, so we turned it into a trade.

Doug included some great Angels and Patriots cards.


  1. You keep very busy with all that trading. I'd be completely bald (lol) if I hand picked cards to trade. I trade a lot, but they are blind trades. I couldn't do it any other way.

  2. That 1983 Fleer promo sheet that Stuart sent is really cool. Always liked that Carew card with the headband.

  3. Was '72 the only year Topps had full-size ads on the back of their cards?

    I know in some years there were ads on the bottom of the back, advertising that year's football issue, for example. In some of the late 50s/early 60s sets. Do you collect those?

    1. I'd have to see them, and only if they are on baseball cards.
