Sunday, December 31, 2023

New PC Added for 2024

Silver Surfer!

Because why not.
Besides Batman, he is the absolute coolest.
And I grew up in Southern California, used to ride my bike to the beach.
(I know he's a cosmic surfer, but still a surfer, even though I was more of a boogie-board/bodysurfer.

I recently came into a box of comic cards so now I have a lot to trade.

TCDB says there are a mere 366 Silver Surfer cards.
I have 3.
Let the trading begin!


  1. Always thought Silver Surfer looked cool. Have fun collecting him.

  2. Obtainable for sure. Now the one you have in this post comes from the 1994 Ultra premier set. The sets go for apx 100.00 or so, but an unopened box goes for about $500.00. I have one. The only reason the box are so high is that there are a handful of chase/insert cards.

  3. I'll have to try and remember this the next time I get into my box that has my unwanted Marvel cards in it.
