Sunday, February 19, 2023

Nolan Ryan Binder Tour - Advil Ad

Various clippings and odd keepsakes found in my Nolan Ryan Binder.

1997 Advil Advertisement
Basically, the same ad as the 1996 shown previously (like a couple years ago, it's been a while since I've visited this topic), except this time Ryan is smiling.
Saving fifty cents in 1997 was a big deal.

I remember eagerly awaiting the Sunday advertisements back then, hoping to find a Ryan ad.


  1. Interesting timing here. I just bought a pack of Advil Nolan Ryan cards. It is sealed and I think it has only 1 or 2 cards in it. Still debating if I should open it.

    1. Oh BTW...thanks for the cards! I have a return ready to ship.

  2. I wonder how much longer there'll be physical coupons.
